Monday 21 July 2014

Do you have friends who won't stop trying to get you a Facebook account and you want them to stop? This is a common issue that is upsetting many people like you. If you have this problem, keep reading.


  1. 1
    Think about the reason you don't have one already, or why you have abandoned your account. Dwell on this. These are going to be your most vital way of winning this battle.
  2. 2
    Make excuses. Say that you're not tech-savvy enough, that you don't have the time, or tell them the truth if you haven't already. If that doesn't stop them, then go right to step number three.
  3. 3
    Set up a boundary. A boundary is a point of which they aren't allowed to cross. Say you don't want to talk about it. Make it obvious that this is not something they are allowed to do. Make your point clear and walk away.
  4. 4
    If they still aren't listening, then don't worry about it! There are a lot of arrogant people in the world and he or she is one of them. There is no point in listening to someone who doesn't respect you. You need respect to have a true relationship. Some people in this world just don't care what you have to say, they think they know best.
  5. 5
    Try a Facebook account! If your friend is respecting your boundary, but wants you to have a fair decision, try a Facebook account to see if Facebook right for you! If you don't like it, you can simply abandon your account.
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  • Don't make an excuse that doesn't make sense.
  • Be honest. Even if it's a silly reason, tell them. You don't want to be considered a liar.
  • If they aren't respectful, don't listen to them.
  • Be persuasive.


  • Your friends could be offended when you set up a boundary for them to follow.

Dealing with a situation of being stalked on Facebook can be complicated by the fact thatFacebook causes us to view our connections as "friends". That can make getting rid of these stalkers tough, because they just don't seem to go away, and you don't want to be mean to them. Yet, allowing their behavior to diminish your enjoyment of Facebook is no option at all, and there are some things you can try to get them to stop Facebook stalking.

While most of the steps in this article are about how to deal with a Facebook stalking situation yourself in as non-confrontational and assertive a way as possible, be aware that if you feel more than just irritated or challenged by the behavior and instead feel threatened or harassed in any way, then the Facebook stalking has become very serious and should be dealt with promptly; this situation is discussed at the end of the article.


  1. Deal With Facebook Stalkers Step 1.jpg
    Understand what being stalked on Facebook might constitute. While stalkingon Facebook doesn't have the physical elements of being stalked in the real world, such as being followed or watched, etc., the feelings unleashed tend to be just the same, and are just as real.
    • Online stalking consists of people communicating with you in ways that unsettle you (whether purposefully intended or unknowingly), especially with respect to suggesting or implying that they're watching and noting your every comment and update.
  2. Deal With Facebook Stalkers Step 2.jpg
    Really just be honest and say that you don't like their posts and give reasons why. They might appreciate the honesty. Rather than trying to appear smug.
  3. Deal With Facebook Stalkers Step 3.jpg
    Look to the intent behind the stalker's motives. The intent behind the person bothering you matters; clearly there is a difference between friends and family browsing your online information to keep themselves apprised of what you're sharing and a person who targets you specifically, clinging over everything you do and then remarking on it, possibly spooking you.
    • Research undertaken by University of Missouri Professor Kevin Wise[1] has demonstrated that healthy wall viewing in Facebook consists of what he terms "social browsing", whereby friends and family look at your general news feed and updates, enjoy the read but then move on to other people and activities; in other words, they're simply including you in their circle of friendship. On the other hand, what Professor Wise terms "social searching" involves a more concerted action on behalf of the viewer. Here the viewer focuses solely on your wall posts, pictures, updates, etc., and doesn't balance this with viewing other people's Facebook feeds; in other words, this person is behaving as if he or she is obsessed with you.
    • A "social searcher" experiences far stronger emotional reactions in relation to what he or she reads than people merely socially browsing.[2] This suggests that if a Facebook stalker is "out to get you" (either to be more a part of your world or to avenge a slight or a break up, etc.), it's possible they'll misconstrue everything you say online into something it isn't.
  4. Deal With Facebook Stalkers Step 4.jpg
    Check for possible Facebook stalking signs. Some indicators of Facebook stalking might include (dependent on who the person is and what they're up to):
    • Is the person failing to leave you alone despite your various requests to stop messaging you, leaving wall comments, or sending you things like links andFarmville gifts?
    • Are they leaving lots of comments that are suggestive of the two of you spending more time, or even the rest of your lives, together (and they're not your lover or spouse)?
    • Are you at the receiving end of intimidating language or abusive language (such as cursing or sexually suggestive comments)?
    • Are you being bullied and/or threatened? For example, has someone been posting unkind, doctored, private, etc., photos of you online (or perhaps of people close to you as well)?
    • Are you experiencing a case where the person will simply not leave you alone but keeps posting updates, sending messages, and constantly butting in? While not necessarily being nasty, mean, or threatening, doing this constantly tends to reveal obsessive behavior.
  5. Deal With Facebook Stalkers Step 5.jpg
    Consider your own perception of the Facebook stalking situation. If the person stalking you is chatting with you every time you're online, sending you constant messages in your inbox, is always commenting on and liking all your posts and photos, and is barely leaving you alone, your response can range anywhere from irritation and frustrationto finding it unpleasant, difficult to deal with, and overwhelming. Even if these actions are done only occasionally, there can be a problem where anything they've said leaves you feeling pressured, upset by what they've added, or you've asked them to stop contacting you at all but they haven't.
    • Consider your own feelings before worrying about theirs. Do you feel like someone is stalking you just because of what they're saying or doing? Do you feel as if someone is obsessing over you (either because they really like or really hate you)?
    • Do you feel overwhelmed, bewildered, annoyed by their constant messaging and posts? This is enough of a reason for you to find a solution that works for you.
  6. Deal With Facebook Stalkers Step 6.jpg
    Respond. Provided that you don't feel immediately threatened (see step 11), try responding in a graduated way. Realize that there is always the possibility that this person doesn't really understand that what he or she is doing is so upsetting to you. It's recommended that you try to open the lines of constructive communication before taking the issue more seriously. After all, there's no need to cause unnecessary drama in your life because you reacted rudely to the other person or misunderstood their motives, only to end up with them and 10 other people ranting at you about it! Start by assuming the best and simply asking them to stop, keeping in mind that if this doesn't work, you have all the remaining options at your disposal.
    • Say something like: "Hey J! Did you realize that you're the only person who leaves me posts and messages every hour? I'm finding it hard to deal with and I'd be really happy if you could cut it back to, say, one post a day instead. Does that work for you?"
    • Obviously, if the person leaving the messages and notes is a real life close friend, boyfriend or girlfriend, or a family member, it goes without saying that some of these people will leave a lot of messages because it seems the natural thing to do. All the same, they should acquiesce to any requests from you to chill on their excessive messaging and if talking to them doesn't work, speak with other family members or friends to get additional support.
  7. Deal With Facebook Stalkers Step 7.jpg
    Try short replies or no replies at all. If they comment on a picture by saying such things as how pretty it is and how you should hang out with them, and how awesome they think you are, etc., just say little; a "Thanks" will suffice. If they chat with you and write really long messages just say, "lol" or "ok" to show that you aren't really interested. Next, proceed to not replying at all to anything this person leaves on your wall and in your message box. For example, if they comment on your statuses just saying, "lol" or "ok", don't even reply, and they won't have leverage left to keep that comment stream running. In this way, you're giving out subtle hints that you're annoyed by what this person is doing but that you're not going to get involved by replying.
  8. Deal With Facebook Stalkers Step 8.jpg
    Leave less subtle hints. More obvious hints might cause some people to feel embarrassed enough around mutual friends online to stop. For example, tag them in a post (put the @ symbol and then their name) and say something like, "I love how (person's name) comments and likes all of my things!" This is not too rude, but it gives them a clear hint that you've noticed and find it annoying. Hopefully, they'll get the hint. Just be aware that they might also think it's a compliment or a thank you to them.
    • You might try a wall post: "Please don't leave comments when I post stuff like X, Y, Z. It's just an update of no consequence!" It doesn't directly name them but it does make it clear to them that you don't think much of the commenting.
    • If you can't beat them, join them! This might cure the problem in its tracks. If he or she is a Facebook friend you don't know too well, but who is always commenting and liking your stuff, try commenting and liking all of his or her stuff too. It may well be that this person genuinely digs you and the two of you might just become good friends with shared interests as a result! This step is a twist on the "don't assume the worst of other people" step; sometimes it takes changing your perspective and broadening your understanding of using Facebook in order to put things right again. Maybe an online friendship will grow, but only if you try!
  9. Deal With Facebook Stalkers Step 9.jpg
    Ask them to stop again, more firmly this time. When it really starts to get on your nerves and you've already tried the softly softly approaches, get back to them politely but be firmer this time. Send a chat message or an inbox message and let them know that the constant commenting and messaging is not appropriate, that you'd like them to comment and like your stuff a lot less. For example:
    • "Hey X! I'm following up my earlier request to you to ease up a little on the posts and messaging. It's really not working for me having you leave so many posts; it's not like I even post interesting stuff worth commenting on half the time. I had hoped you'd understood my request last time and now I'm letting you know that I need you stop doing this. It's not like I'm going to read or respond to what you're adding and it'd be better for both of us if you stopped." At this point, you can make a choice as to whether or not you will warn them about your intention to block them.
  10. Deal With Facebook Stalkers Step 10.jpg
    If they won't take the hints or the direct messages, consider blocking them. There are two approaches to this. The first is to warn them that you'll do it and then to follow through if they don't heed your warning within a set period of time. Only do this if you think it'll have an impact and won't make them angry with you. The second response is to simply block them and not alert them – if you've already given enough hints, it'll hardly be a surprise.
  11. Deal With Facebook Stalkers Step 11.jpg
    Tell your friends. It's important to let friends you trust know what's happening, especially where they're mutual friends with both of you. If they're supportive of you and understanding of the situation, they can either take the same action or they can keep a lookout for the behavior of the blocked person and let you know what's happening. This is important for several reasons – if you took this action because you felt there was no other choice but you're still offline friends, then your other friends can help smooth the waters between the two of you; or, if the blocked person feels offended and tries to retaliate, the more people who can support you and try to help the other person see the error of their ways, the better.
    • Realize that some obsessive people don't always understand the harm they're inflicting. In some cases, they may even think they've been super friendly or caring, and being blocked can cause them to take this as a personal rejection which might lead them seeking to muddy your reputation if you're not careful.
      • On the other hand, they may just be someone who really got the wrong end of the stick on how to use Facebook and will apologize when he or she finally "gets it".
    • You may also choose to report them to Facebook as well. This will bring in Facebook's abuse team who have the ability to prevent them from using Facebook, or contact their Internet service provider or local authorities.
  12. Deal With Facebook Stalkers Step 12.jpg
    If you feel genuinely threatened, humiliated, harassed, or you're in fear, as a result of what the other person has been posting on Facebook, seek help quickly. Talk to parents, friends, teachers, counselors, etc., and let them know what you're going through. Actions taken to instill fear or make threats are as real and wrong online as they are offline. This is not something to put up with alone and the sooner you get support and someone else to talk to, the sooner you'll know whether or not the fears are in your own head or whether there really is a situation to be concerned about.
    • Never let any threats of harm to you or property damage slide. These are police matters and contacting the police immediately is warranted.
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  • NEVER RESPOND TO A STALKER. It encourages them. Report them to Facebook. If Facebook does not help, go through Law Enforcement. Document every single detail even if you think its irrelevant! Print messages, emails, timeline content, note dates and times the whole nine yards but a detective told me NEVER respond to or speak to them.
  • As well, it is recommended that you don't ever add people you don't like or get along with. Just because they're popular or they're friends of some of your other friends, doesn't mean that your inability to get along won't surface. Sometimes such "enemies" start stalking you by dissing you when commenting statuses and photos, writing nasty messages on your wall, and liking statuses that you write that aren't good (for example: "My cell phone just broke!") and trying to cause drama. Just avoid even adding them, and eliminate even more stalkers.
  • If it's somebody from school whom you just don't know well, try not to make a big deal! Maybe they were trying to be friends in a most awkward way. But if they are being a "frenemy" by making nice comments sometimes, and rude comments at other times, then you ask them directly what they're doing.
  • It is recommended that you only add people to your friends list whom you truly consider to be friends or people you know. By doing this, you will eliminate stalkers almost completely.
  • If it's a friend, boyfriend or girlfriend, or family member, talk to them directly.
  • If you have to, just block them. Although you may not want to, sometimes, you just have to if they won't stop. This is a measure of self-protection and gives them time to cool off and to stop obsessing over you.

  • Don't feel you have to accommodate people who misuse the Facebook service. Your feelings and enjoyment are as important as anybody else's, and if your Facebook experience has been considerably spoiled by their behavior, then accommodating them any further will simply continue to harm you
  • Assume the best before assuming the worst, where relevant. It may just be poor Facebook etiquette or understanding, or the person may be going through a rough patch. On the other hand, if you feel threatened or harassed, don't treat it lightly; get help immediately, even if it's just to talk it through with someone else's level head giving you their perspective of the matter.

If you use Facebook, you're probably connected to hundreds of other people,[1] and you might be left wondering who is viewing your profile, commenting on your posts, and "liking" your statuses or photos the most. There's no way to know for sure who is checking out your profile, but delving into who Facebook thinks you're most connected to – based on likes, comments, pokes, and messages – can tell you who your "closest" Facebook friends are. In general, your closest friends will be the first to see your status updates, and sometimes may be the only people to see them, unless they become heavily liked and commented on. If you want to find out who you're most connected to, start your investigation at step 1, below.

Method 1 of 2: Determining Your Closest Friends

  1. Stop Bullying on Facebook Step 8.jpg
    Open your profile. While you can't determine who exactly is looking at your profile on a regular basis, you can determine who you interact with the most and who Facebook thinks your closest friends are. If you find someone on the list that you don't interact with often, they may be expressing interest in your status updates (with likes, comments, or views).
    • You can quickly access your profile by opening Facebook and clicking on your name in the upper-left corner.
  2. Screen Shot 2014 06 02 at 5.53.30 PM.png
    Open your Friends page. Click the Friends link on the left side of your profile to open a list of all your Facebook friends. The list may seem random at first, but evidence suggests that it is actually determined by Facebook algorithms to show you the people you are most connected to.
    • This list is determined by a variety of factors, including who comments on your posts, who shares items with you, and who views your profile the most.
  3. Screen Shot 2014 06 02 at 5.55.33 PM.png
    See who's at the top. The friends at the top of your list are who Facebook has determined to be your closest connections. People in this list are most connected to you, either by your interest in their status updates or theirs in yours (likes, comments, etc.)[2]

  1. Succeed at Online Dating Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    Understand this trick. This trick will give you insight into who views your profile, but Facebook isn't confirming exactly who they are. This list that Facebook keeps is determined by a variety of factors: who comments on your posts, who you message frequently, who looks at your Facebook the most often, and more.
    • There is no way to see JUST who looks at your page the most, and any app which says that it can tell you that is lying and a scam.
    • You'll have to learn how to interpret the list that this trick gives you. For example, look out for people showing up towards the top of the list who you know you don't message and you don't comment on their stuff. If someone you never interact with shows up pretty high on your list, you'll know it's because they're looking at your page.
  2. See Who Views Your Facebook Profile the Most Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    Open your web browser. You will need one which allows you to view the source code for a website. Google Chrome is one of the easiest browsers to perform this trick with. You cannot do this from mobile browsers or the Facebook app; you will need a browser on a computer.
  3. See Who Views Your Facebook Profile the Most Step 2 Version 2.jpg
    Navigate to your profile. You will be looking at the source code for your profile. You can quickly access it by logging into Facebook and then clicking on your name in the upper-left corner underneath your profile image.
  4. See Who Views Your Facebook Profile the Most Step 3.jpg
    View the source code. If you are using Google Chrome, right-click the background and choose "View page source". You can also use the ^ Ctrl+U shortcut ( Cmd+U on a Mac). Other browsers usually have this option under the "View" menu.
  5. See Who Views Your Facebook Profile the Most Step 4.jpg
    Use the webpage search function. You can search the source code by pressing^ Ctrl+F ( Cmd+F on a Mac). This tool will search all of the text on any given page for the term you type in. Type InitialChatFriendsList into the Find box.
  6. See Who Views Your Facebook Profile the Most Step 5.jpg
    Look at the list of profiles. The numbers which immediately follow are the identification numbers of the profiles of your friends. You will see a string of numbers, each set in quotations and followed by "-0", "-2", or "-3". Copy the string without the - and the final number. Paste this after the ".com/" when looking at the main Facebook page. This will bring up the profile so you know who it belongs to.
  7. 7
    See who each profile belongs to. Copy the string from the source code, omitting the "-X" from the end of the number. For example, if the first person on the list is "1111111-2", copy "1111111" to your clipboard. Open a new Facebook page and paste this number at the end of the address. Using the above example, the address would look like "". Press  Enter to load the page and find out who's profile it is.
  8. 8
    Look up a specific profile. To do this, you will need to look up the person's profile ID number. The easiest way to find this is to open a picture that the person has uploaded, and then try the various numbers that appear in the address bar. One of these will be the profile ID.
    • Once you know the profile ID, you can use the Find tool to see where that ID appears in the list. The closer it is to the top, the more connected you are to that person.
      See Who Views Your Facebook Profile the Most Step 6Bullet1.jpg